Monday, 26 October 2015


It took a fair bit of YouTube watching and a couple half finished spoons getting tossed in the wood stove before some useful spoon shapes started taking shape. I love making spoons, and I think I know why. 

Days are really busy here. I homeschool our four kids and we spend many, many hours at home working together. I love being home with them, teaching them and watching them grow but what might be the hardest part of this job for me is not being able to see ahead. Not being able to see what kind of people my kids will become after all this training, or maybe I should say 'sanding'. Sometimes I feel like we stay at the roughest step for so long...not moving past 80 grit on some issues for weeks and weeks. And that's not the only issue. My rough edges (after all these years) often rub against their young rough edges which makes for days that do not look pretty. 

When I start a spoon and work through the process of carving out the bowl, whittling away all the extra wood, sanding and sanding and sanding some more, it almost feels like relief to me that a soft, amazingly detailed spoon was hiding under all that somehow. If feels great to see the end result. Relief for me when my kids are grown will not be felt if they have good jobs, or a certain amount of income from all their learning. Relief for me will be seeing kids who love others more then they love themselves. Who forgive and know how to ask for forgiveness. Who serve and know how to deny themselves in order to help out others. This would give me great joy. I think this process takes a lifetime so I will not try to rush it in my kids, after all, I still feel like I am being sanded and carved each day, trying to grow and learn and love like I was created to. 

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