Sunday, 25 October 2015

The process.

Somehow a love of carving seems to have begun in our home. I have always loved wooden things just like I love baskets and herbs and pottery but somehow learning how to turn a piece of cut down walnut into a spoon or cheeseboard has become a joy. 

How perfect to find out that my brother had a large walnut tree cut and milled into boards. That was the start of much learning! Over the last year there has been many hours learning the spoon carving technique, piles of dust from sanding boards, sneaking away for a few minutes here and there to whittle and watching the boys try their hand at spoon making along with me.

Here I hope to create an album of the process and finished work. Finding practical, beautiful 'art' hidden under the bark of trees feels so rewarding. Sanding down the wood from it's roughest beginnings to the silky, smooth oiled finish feels a bit like the journey we are all on in this life. To be carved and sanded and turned into beauty is a wonderful thing! 

 A thoughtful friend brought me some pieces of wood which she had found. This one said rosewood on it and it has been the nicest to carve so far. Up until this piece I have been working with walnut and cherry...a nice switch! Finished scoop photo to follow. 

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